
Abilene Christian University

Abilene Christian University simplified and leveraged existing infrastructure to support e-learning on campus and offer students a greater connected experience at a very low cost.

  • 국가: 미국
  • 산업: 교육
  • 해결책: 데이터 센터, Autonomous Network, Shortest Path Bridging, 데이터 센터

Abilene Christian University (ACU) is a private university and national leader in Christian higher education. ACU was founded in 1906 and is located in Abilene, Texas. The university is currently home to about 4600 students and 865 staff members.

Abilene Christian University Logo
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has been our trusted partner for many years now. They’ve been able to help us solve issues and plan for the future while working within our budget. They consistently enable us to meet our goals without compromising on cost or quality. ACU looks forward to continuing this partnership for years to come.
Arthur Brant, Director of Enterprise Architecture, Abilene Christian University

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